A pub which time forgot is showing its age, with a crumbling wall meaning that part of the legendary watering hole has had to be closed off.

Cardigan Town Councillor learnt on Tuesday night that a safety issue had arisen at the town's Castle Inn due to a crumbling wall.

The side of the pub has been cordoned off ahead of remedial work scheduled towards the end of the month.

Tivyside Advertiser:

Dating back at least as far as the early nineteenth century, the Castle appeared consigned to the pages of history following the death of popular landlord Bernard Hopkins in March 2022.

However, the property – which has stables at the rear dating back to the days patrons arrived on horseback – was acquired by local entrepreneur James Lynch and re-opened at the end of last year.

Tivyside Advertiser:

“We are proud to have been able to add the building to the business and restoration projects on the south side of the river,” he told the Tivyside this week.

“From architectural clues and local history I would guess the building to have been built around 1800.

“We hope to be able to uphold Bernard and his mother Nellie’s legacy of more than one hundred unbroken years of running a proper pub between them and would like to thank the locals for the tremendous support and encouragement and old stories we’ve had since reopening at the end of last year.

Tivyside Advertiser:

“The crack referred to is on the south-west corner of one of the outbuildings where it abuts the corner of Castle Street and the small square leading to the riverside path.

“The council erected barriers around this area within a week of our purchase last August.

“The crack predates my company's purchase of the building and has probably been there for several years.

“There have been only minor non-structural works of repair, redecoration and rewiring carried out at the building and there are no ongoing works.

“Having said that, we have been liaising with local building control and it is in our interest to get rid of the barriers and increase the appeal and ease of access for the summer trade, so it is our intention to carry out the remedial work needed by the end of the month.”