WORK on the projected Cardigan Tidal Flood Risk Management Scheme is expected to commence sometime next year, town councillors have been informed.

Cllr Clive Davies who has had a number of discussions with environmental watchdogs Natural Resources Wales, said the outline design phase for the project had been completed.

“The preferred alignment for the proposed defence is based on feedback received during the public engagement event held in Cardigan Castle and subsequent online meeting with officers from Ceredigion County Council,” he added.

“As part of the outline design phase they have also been undertaking ecological surveys for bats, overwintering birds etc. and environmental and archaeological scoping to inform the next stage of the project.

“In addition, the NRW team have had a number of meetings with CADW and Ceredigion County Council planning and ecology officers during this period.

“Subject to funding they will be shortly entering into a contract with consultants to advance the scheme onto the detailed design phase.

“This will require further consultation with key stakeholders to determine form, finishes, required permits / consents etc.

“Towards the end of the detailed design phase a planning application will be submitted.

“They currently anticipate that the detailed design stage will take up a year to complete.

Again subject to funding and gaining planning permission and environmental consents, they envisage construction commencing in 2025. These timelines are provisional at this stage.

“There will further public communications to provide an update of the project in the coming months.”