A letter from Matt Newland (Chair of Trustees - Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall Trust)

Dear Editor,

I am writing on behalf of the trustees of Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall Trust, to inform the public about the current situation at the pool, and to give people a chance to comment on our proposals.

As many of you will know, the pool closed in March this year, due to significant financial difficulties. These included increases in energy costs, decreases in income (while closed for significant repairs), and a large backlog of expensive maintenance work needed on such an old building.

The Trustees came to the difficult conclusion that they could not trade their way out of these issues and that they needed to explore other options.

The Trustees intend to change the governing document of the charity (which is the Scheme dated 9 February 2005) by amending the purpose of the charity.

The new purpose is proposed as follows: To promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of Cardigan and the surrounding area the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances or for the public at large in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the condition of life of the said inhabitants.

The consequence of this variation to the purpose will mean that the Trustees will be permitted to sell the pool and hall. They propose to sell, at an undervalue, to Ceredigion County Council.

The intention of Ceredigion County Council is not to open the pool, because of the significant costs required to maintain and upgrade the facility.

Instead, their intention is to seek funding for a Well-Being Centre that may, in the long term, retain swimming provision, under the council’s corporate objective and in line with their corporate plan. This would depend on whether funding was available.

They have also indicated that they are willing to consider any robust and viable business plan where a group of volunteers could open and run the pool in the meantime, and efforts are underway to effect this.

If you have comments or questions about the proposed changes please get in touch with me, Matt Newland. My email address is tatnewland@gmail.com Any comments must be received by Tuesday 11th June in order to be considered by the trustees.

Yours sincerely

Matt Newland (Chair of Trustees - Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall Trust)