CLLR Olwen Davies was installed as Mayor of Cardigan during the traditional centuries-old ceremony at the town’s Guildhall this week.

She takes over from Cllr Sian Maehrlein who had held the ancient post for the past 12 months.

A well-known town resident, away from local politics Ms Davies is best-known for her work as the long-serving Teifi Valley Motor Club secretary.

Tivyside Advertiser: Mayoral party: They are pictured following the mayoral ceremony at Cardigan Guildhall.Mayoral party: They are pictured following the mayoral ceremony at Cardigan Guildhall. (Image: Supplied)

Earlier this year she received the Wilkinson Sword Award for her contribution to the world of motorsport.

Her niece, Ffion Davies, will serve as mayoral Consort while Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh has been appointed Deputy-Mayor.

The appointments drew a warm response from former Ceredigion MP Mark Williams, who has been selected to fight the Ceredigion-Preseli seat for the Liberal Democrats in the forthcoming General Election.

Tivyside Advertiser: Dynamic duo: Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh will serve as Ms Davies’s deputy.Dynamic duo: Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh will serve as Ms Davies’s deputy. (Image: Supplied)“Many congratulations to my great friends and Lib Dem colleagues Cllr Olwen Davies and Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh on their elections as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Cardigan,” he tweeted.

“They will both do their offices proud and will always put the people of Cardigan first.”