MAYDAY! Cardigan needs a more efficient refuse collection.

That is the blunt message from town councillors following changes to Ceredigion County Council’s refuse collection policy which they claim left Cardigan ‘over-run’ with rubbish following the May Day Bank Holiday weekend.

Cllr Elaine Evans warned that excessive rubbish each weekend would become the norm as refuse crews were now no longer allowed to park vans outside their homes, but instead had to collect them from council depots.

“We need to get on to Ceredigion to send someone to collect excess rubbish at weekends,” she said.

“The state of town after the Bank Holiday weekend was absolutely disgusting.

“And the situation has not even reached its peak yet – because it can only get busier.

“At this rate Cardigan is going to be over-run by rubbish.”

Cllr Olwen Davies, who takes part in town litter-picks, said the amount of overflow from council bins had increased significantly.

“You should see the state of those bins on a Sunday morning,” she added. “And we are a tourist town.

“We want people to enjoy coming to Cardigan, but the mess was abysmal on Sunday morning – there was dog poo dangling from bins in Greenfield Square.

“I feel very strongly that we should approach Ceredigion County Council on this matter as those bins just do not have the capacity to take that volume of rubbish.

“They are simply not large enough.”

Cllr Philippa Noble observed: “If the town looks like a tip, then people will treat it like a tip.

“Over the years we have worked really hard to get these community litter-picks up and running, so it’s very disheartening to see this kind of thing when we’ve been trying our best to change people’s behaviour.”

Cllr Nick Bolton said the issue flew in the face of Cardigan’s growing reputation as a prime shopping destination and place of interest.

“If a tourist had come into town at 9am this morning and seen all the rubbish lying about they’d most likely have turned tail and gone straight back out again,” he added.

Cllr Richard Davies reckoned two years had elapsed since a county council road sweeper was last seen in town.

“Little things make a big difference,” he added. “We need to press Ceredigion County Council for action – and we also need clarity on precisely what services they can still provide.”

A Ceredigion County Council spokesperson said: "Operational arrangements are reviewed on a regular and ongoing basis.

"Where local issues arise, we encourage residents and visitors to take their litter home, if they are unable to find a litter bin.

"We very much welcome the opportunity of working together with stakeholders to find appropriate and local solutions to local problems."