A DISUSED Cardigan bus stop has been abandoned by the local authority because they lack resources to repair or replace it, town councillors have been told.

The shelter opposite the Ridgeway housing estate remains cordoned off – and there now seems no chance it will be brought back into use.

In a letter to town clerk Eleri Maskell, County Hall wrote: “We have limited re-sources to undertake repairs or replace it. Perhaps Cardigan Town Council could confirm ownership of the shelter?”

However, town mayor Cllr Sian Maehrlein said the county council were ex-pecting small councils such as Cardigan ‘to take too much on’.

Cllr Olwen Davies suggested approaching Transport for Wales as their T5 service formerly used the stop. “We do not want ownership of it,” she added.

Town clerk Eleri Maskell said the county council could remove the dilapidated shelter ‘for safety reasons’.

And Cllr Richard Davies agreed it was not something to come under the town council’s remit.

“It’s part of the transport network and therefore not a town council issue,” he said.

“That bus stop is situated on the most dangerous part of that road – right by the Ridgeway Roundabout. It should never have been put there in the first place.”