THE NORTHERN Lights lit up the night sky with a rare appearance last night.  

Our readers and Camera Club members were on hand to capture the stunning views and have been sharing their pictures with us.

The visibility of the aurora borealis was increased on Friday because of an “extreme” geomagnetic storm, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Met Office spokesman Stephen Dixon said on Friday there was a “good chance” for the Northern Lights to be seen, and added: “Those conditions could continue on Saturday night but we still have to work out some details on where exactly that will be.”

Here are a few of your pictures of the aurora borealis, and you can cycle through the whole gallery at the top of the page.

Tivyside Advertiser: The view from the coast path between Aberporth and Tresaith.The view from the coast path between Aberporth and Tresaith. (Image: Ste Johnson)

Tivyside Advertiser: The Northern Lights from Llanllwni.The Northern Lights from Llanllwni. (Image: Sophie Grenfell)

Tivyside Advertiser: The sky above the beach at Aberporth.The sky above the beach at Aberporth. (Image: Aled Evans)

Tivyside Advertiser: The view of the aurora borealis from Mwnt.The view of the aurora borealis from Mwnt. (Image: Abi Rogers)

You can join the Tivyside Advertiser Camera Club and share your photos here.