A RETIRED Cardigan vicar has launched a scathing attack on the rise in Council Tax, saying it is the ordinary ‘Cardi’ who is having to bear the brunt.

Rev John Powell also slammed the amount of Welsh Government money spent on the introduction of their controversial 20 mph scheme, saying it could have been better spent elsewhere.

Back in February a proposal to raise Ceredigion’s council tax by 11.1 per cent was narrowly approved by councillors, making it the second-highest hike in Wales behind neighbouring Pembrokeshire (12.5 per cent).

In a letter to Cardigan Town Council, Rev Powell wrote: “I knew that Council Tax was going up by an enormous amount, but it was only when a letter from the County Council arrived with the details that I was really shocked.

“An amount of £3,000 per year is getting serious, especially to retired people.

This is even more serious when one is told that it will rise next year by the same amount.

“I can see a situation when people who have lost loved ones will have an extra burden of having to move house because they cannot afford the Council Tax on their own. There must soon come a breaking point.

“If I am correct, those who buy new houses are put under extra strain because the tax is assessed on current valuation, whereas the majority of houses are being assessed on old valuations.

“This is especially galling when one considers that the UK Government has squandered vast amounts of money on Covid, wars, questionable agendas and sanctions.

“The Welsh Government also has wasted a great deal of money on questionable initiatives so that councils are starved.

“I was shocked to hear that they had spent £20m on the 20 mph scheme. Think how this money could have been used!

“All of this wasted money, of course, has come from the working people and it is the working people that have to pay the price. This cannot go on for ever.”

Cllr Catrin Miles said that while she sympathised with Rev Powell’s comments, the level of council tax was fixed by Ceredigion County Council, while the town council had just raised its precept for the first time in eight years.

“We all do understand and sympathise with what he’s saying as we ourselves are paying council tax,” said Cllr Philippa Noble.