THESE criminals from across west Wales have been sent to prison in November.

The defendants faced charges including assault, paedophilia and voyeurism, breaching a sexual harm prevention order, harassment and trying to pin speeding offences on an innocent driver.

Judges handed out sentences of between 10 weeks and five years and three months.

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Here’s a round-up of the cases.

Jordan Cooney

Jordan Cooney who was sentenced to more than five years in prison by a judge at Swansea Crown Court last week.

Cooney, 28, of Dewing Avenue in Manorbier, had been drinking and smoking cannabis at his victim’s Pembroke Dock flat before he attacked him.

The defendant was “raining blow after blow on him” and demanded his debit card and PIN, hitting him in the face between each word.

His victim said that he had sustained between 20 and 30 blows to his face and said that he had never been punched so hard in his life.

Tivyside Advertiser: Jordan Cooney 'rained blows' down upon his victim.Jordan Cooney 'rained blows' down upon his victim. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

When his victim tried to escape Cooney ran after him and dragged the man back into the flat by his hair and again punched him repeatedly.

The court heard that Cooney knew his victim was due to be paid his benefits at midnight on September 26. He went to a cash point in Pembroke Dock shortly after midnight and tried to withdraw the cash.

At 2.22am on September 27 he withdrew £500 from his victim’s account.

He then returned and attempted to withdraw the remaining £160 from the account but was refused as he had already reached the maximum daily withdrawal.

Cooney was arrested in Monkton on the afternoon of September 27 when police found him in possession of two bags of cocaine worth around £100.

He initially denied the offences, but later admitted robbery, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, fraud and possession of cocaine.

Cooney was sentenced to five years and three months in prison.

Luke Rogers

Convicted sex offender Luke Rogers breached the terms of a court order by deleting Facebook and WhatsApp from his phone and having a secret second phone.

Swansea Crown Court heard that Rogers had been convicted in 2020 for two offences of sexual activity with a girl under the age of 16. He was jailed for 15 months, and was made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, and had to register as a sex offender for the same period of time.

As part of the terms of these orders, Rogers had to notify the police within three days of buying any device capable of accessing the internet, and was not allowed to delete files, applications, data, or internet history from his devices.

Tivyside Advertiser: Luke Rogers failed to comply with a court order after being convicted as a sex offender.Luke Rogers failed to comply with a court order after being convicted as a sex offender. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

At a hearing on September 20, Swansea Crown Court was told that Rogers attended Haverfordwest Police Station on August 29. During that meeting, he admitted that he had deleted the Facebook app from his phone as he had been “getting hassle” from another man. He had also deleted WhatsApp.

The court heard that he had done a factory reset on the phone.

“It was found that he had last used WhatsApp on August 23, and that he had deliberately deleted the application ahead of the meeting,” the court heard.

The police were granted a search warrant, and a second phone was found at Rogers’ address. It was confirmed by both his partner – who provided officers with both of the defendant’s phone numbers – and his grandmother that it belonged to Rogers.

Rogers, 37, of Wolfscastle, admitted two breaches of the order.

At Swansea Crown Court, Rogers was jailed for 16 months, running concurrently for each breach. He must also pay a £156 surcharge.

Diyar Ali 

A Tenby barber who perverted the course of justice by blaming another man for two speeding offences has been sent to jail.

Diyar Ali had been caught speeding in his Toyota Yaris on April 21, 2021, in Sketty on February 27, 2022, on the A40 at Llanllwch.

Ali, 30, of St Mary’s Street in Tenby at the time, had blamed another man, Mr Kareem, for both offences, saying that he was the driver and providing false information on a notice of impending prosecution (NIP) form.

The other man was prosecuted in his absence on two separate occasions for Ali’s offences and was fined a total of £440 and had six penalty points added to his licence.

It later transpired that Ali had paid at least £300 to try and avoid justice. He had given two Swansea addresses for Mr Kareem. Court documents had been sent to these addresses where they had been filled in, acknowledging that Mr Kareem was the driver..

However further investigation by police regarding the Swansea addresses revealed Ali’s deception.

It transpired that both addresses were houses of multiple occupation being used to accommodate asylum seekers. Mr Kareem had never lived at either one. However, the houses were being used as so-called ‘NIP farms’ – addresses advertised on social media which will provide false information so that drivers avoid prosecution for traffic offences.

It transpired that Mr Kareem’s name had been used in multiple incidences where false driver information was issued.

Officers used fingerprinting, mobile phone analysis, use of automatic numberplate recognition technology and checks with the DVLA to prove that Ali had been lying to the court.

These had shown that Mr Kareem was nowhere near south Wales when the speeding offences were committed, but Ali was.

Ali, now of Ship Street in Brecon, was sentenced to eight months in prison and was disqualified from driving for a year and four months. He will also have to pay a £156 victim surcharge.

Chris Hood

Paedophile Chris Hood has been jailed after he was convicted of a catalogue of sexual offences in east Wales.

Hood, 36, admitted three counts of making an indecent photograph of a child and one each of taking an indecent photograph of a child and possessing an extreme pornographic image involving an animal.

Tivyside Advertiser: Chris Hood must now register as a sex offender for the next 10 years.Chris Hood must now register as a sex offender for the next 10 years. (Image: Gwent Police)

The defendant also pleaded guilty to two counts of observing a person doing a private act and one each of voyeurism by recording a private act and voyeurism by installing equipment or constructing/adapting a structure.

Hood’s offences were committed in Newport (Gwent) and Chepstow.

The defendant was jailed for 26 months at Cardiff Crown Court.

He will have to register as a sex offender for the next 10 years and he was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for the same period.

Mark Humphreys

Disqualified driver Mark Humphreys was jailed due to his “flagrant disregard for court orders” after he was caught behind the wheel in Haverfordwest.

Humphreys, 37, of Ever Street, Mountain Ash, was driving a Peugeot 207 on Hywel Road on April 28. Because he was already banned from driving, he was uninsured.

He admitted one charge of driving whilst banned and one charge of driving without insurance.

Humphreys was jailed for 16 weeks due to a “flagrant disregard for court orders”. He was also banned from driving for two years with an eight-week discretionary extension period, and was also ordered to pay £154 surcharge.

Andrew Chapman

Andrew Chapman was jailed after harassing a girl over Tik Tok – just days after being released on bail relating to separate allegations involving the same complainant.

Chapman, 29, of Troed Yr Ynys in Bronwydd Arms, was charged with an offence against a 16-year-old at a location in Carmarthenshire on September 21.

He was granted bail on October 2, but with a set of conditions which involved not contacting the complainant.

It was alleged that Chapman contacted the girl on the social media site Tik Tok between October 2 and 5.

He pleaded guilty to harassment without violence at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court on November 17.

A decision was made to sentence Chapman due to him being on remand for an alleged offence against the same victim.

He was jailed for 10 weeks, and was ordered to pay £500 in costs and a £154 surcharge. The girl was also granted a two-year restraining order against him.