MORE than 1,000 reports of domestic abuse were reported in west Wales in December 2022.

The force released the figures as it prepares for an increase in domestic abuse and serious assaults in the run-up to Christmas. In total, there were 1,0008 domestic abuse reports.

Amongst the statistics released were 79 alcohol-fuelled serious assaults, which was an increase of three more than 2019, the last pre-covid statistics.

The data is for the four weeks at the peak of the Christmas and New Year season. The figures dropped dramatically during covid-18 due to the restrictions, but are now increasing again. In 2022, the force launched a campaign to report concerns for their own welfare or the welfare of others.

Detective superintendent Jayne Butler said: “While in past years we have focussed our winter campaign on one crime type, this year we have decided to amplify our messaging around serious assaults where alcohol is a factor, as well as domestic abuse, as sadly we see an increase in calls relating to both over the festive season.

“For most people, this time of year is filled with happiness – a time to celebrate with friends and family – and our officers enjoy seeing people out and about enjoying themselves. However, our officers are also likely to see those going through the darkest of times – as they deliver the news that a loved one has been badly assaulted on a night out, or they listen to the victim of domestic abuse explain how their life has been torn apart by someone they trusted.

“We hope that through this campaign we can increase confidence in reporting incidents of domestic abuse and lessen the number of serious assaults by signposting to support agencies for those struggling with domestic behaviour when they’ve been drinking.”

“We saw an increase in reports in 2022 compared with the previous two Decembers as we made a concerted effort to talk about domestic abuse in a way we haven’t before,” Det Supt Butler said.

“This also resulted in an increase in requests for information through Clare’s Law, which allows people to find out if their partner has a history of domestic abuse. We’ll be sharing these messages again this year to reach people who might need help.”

Detective Superintendent Anthony Evans said: “While we’re not quite up to pre-2020 levels, we are seeing an increase in alcohol-related serious assaults which is a worrying trend, and one we hope to stop in its tracks. We expect to see more people out enjoying themselves in the evenings and over the weekend as we approach the festive season, which unfortunately does tend to result in more reported assaults.

“It’s undeniable that the number of violent incidents has a huge impact on police resources, but more importantly, each of these assaults affects the lives of victims and their families. It’s for this reason that we’re asking people to be aware of their behaviour, to seek help if they need to, and if they do find themselves faced with confrontation, to be the bigger person and walk away.”

The campaign has been launched on social media to highlight the impact of the crimes. For more information on how to report domestic abuse or where to find help, visit