A 45-year-old Pembroke Dock mas has been remanded in custody on suspicion of carrying out four house burglaries in Prendergast and Haverfordwest.

Each of the burglaries is alleged to have taken place on October 18, and involved properties in both Prendergast and Perrots Terrace.

Dyfed-Powys Police has confirmed that officers carried out what they describe as ‘a swift investigation’ which resulted in the arrest of Norman David Smith, 45, of Pembroke Dock.

Smith appeared before Llanelli magistrates on Friday, October 20, charged with three offences of burglary and one of attempted burglary.

He was remanded in custody until a plea and a trial preparation hearing takes place at Swansea Crown Court on November 13.

Police have confirmed that one other suspect has been released on conditional bail, pending further enquiries.  He has not been named.