WORKS on collapsed pipes in Newcastle Emlyn are set to begin later this year.

Carmarthenshire County Council has placed a notice in the Tivyside Advertiser on June 13 explaining plans to carry out works under the Quarry Ffinant Flood Alleviation Scheme in Newcastle Emlyn.

The work relates to 140 metres of culvert running through private properties from Quarry Ffinant immediately to the south of Quarry Ffinant Road, further down to rejoin Penlon/Quarry Ffinnant Road, south of the junction with Ebenezer Street as part of the council’s Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Programme.

The work aims to repair the culvert’s sections that are in poor condition and in danger of collapse, which would lead to an increase in flooding around the area. The work is planned to take place between July and October 2023.

They propose to carry out the following:

  • Excavation of collapsed pipe section in private resident gardens close to the boundary of Llwynteg and Ty Emlyn, over a length of 17.5m into Lochnager garden. The pipe will be removed and replaced with a new pipe.
  • Excavation of two collapsed pipe sections in Glyn Nest Residential Home in the eastern part of the site over lengths of 4.5m and 13m. The pipes are to be removed and replaced with new pipe sections.
  • Relining of existing and replaced pipe sections over 104m from Lochnager garden through to the manhole adjacent to Glyn Nest Residential Home entrance off Penlon/Quarry Ffinant Road. This includes work to improve access at manholes along this length involving removal of covers and cover slabs and their reinstatement to ground level post relining.
  • Landscape reinstatement of excavated and working areas within private properties.

The council believes the drainage improvement works are not likely to have significant effects on the environment as long as the appropriate mitigation measures are in place as specified in the Environmental Action Plan and so the council does not intend to prepare an environmental statement for the works.

The council has carried out a preliminary ecological appraisal, environmental information report, HRA phase 1 screening report, HRA phase 2 report and a tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment report.

Anyone wishing to make a representation to the council in relation to the likely environmental effects of the proposed plans should do so in writing by July 14 by writing to Ainsley Williams, director of place and infrastructure, Carmarthenshire County Council, County Hall, Carmarthen, SA31 1JP.