Local history lovers can start preparing for the long-awaited relaunch of the Ceredigion Local History Forum which will be resuming its twice-yearly meetings this Sunday, May 21.

The half-day meeting will feature speakers on a variety of topics linked to resources for researching local and family history throughout the county.

Founded in 2002, the aim of the Forum is to encourage individuals and members of the many local history societies throughout the county to meet and share their knowledge and experiences.

Prior to Covid, this mainly took the form of twice-yearly day-schools, with a variety of speakers on a particular theme. Past themes have included transport, pubs, the First World War, agriculture, architecture and local beliefs.

Meetings generally attract between 50 and 60 people who engage in listening to the speakers, mingling with friends, and enjoying an excellent buffet lunch.

Recognising that some people are still naturally wary of spending time indoors with other people, this first meeting will just be a half-day, in the spacious Village Hall in Llwyncelyn. It is hoped that the meetings will return to the full-day format in the Autumn.

Full details of this meeting are available on the Forum website at www.ceredigionlhf.org.uk