A PEMBROKESHIRE club will be holding a national event this summer.

Poppit Sands Surf Lifesaving Club will be hosting the Welsh Nipper Ocean Championships at Poppit Sands.

The club, which came second in the competition in 2022, will be hosting more than 400 competitors from across Wales at the two-day event on July 29 and 30.

There will be a number of events on the beach and in the ocean including tube recue, board race, surf race, beach flags and sprints and there will be individual and relay events throughout the weekend for ‘nippers’ aged between seven and 13.

Liwsi Harries, club secretary, said: “We can’t wait to welcome Surf Lifesaving Clubs from all over Wales to our special beach. Our members train hard throughout the year, and this will be the pinnacle for our Nipper squad as they demonstrate their lifesaving skills at our national event.

“Our Junior squad (aged 13-17) are also looking forward to competing in the Welsh Youth, Open and Masters Ocean Championships to be held in Porthcawl on July 15 and 16. They also had a very successful 2022 championships at Whitesands, Pembrokeshire, with Youth gaining an overall 2nd place and Masters (aged 30+) gaining 3rd.

“The club and its coaches are very proud of the dedication and commitment of all its members. We are equally proud to play such an important part in our community as we promote a strong awareness of safety on our coastline.”

The Nippers and Juniors at Poppit Sands Surf Lifesaving Club have been training in the pool between October and April to develop their stamina, practice skills and refine techniques. Beach training will resume in May.