Ceredigion Citizens Advice has announced it is looking to recruit new trustees at a time when it "has never been more desperately needed."

The charity helps over 2,500 local people a year, giving advice on thousands of issues ranging from debt, welfare benefits and energy to family and consumer issues.

The past few years have seen major changes, with the charity now operating remotely and offering advice via a variety of different platforms including telephone, email, social media and face to face community outreaches using qualified staff advisers and trained volunteers.

The charity currently has six trustees on its board with a staff of 16 and 18 volunteers.

“With the current cost of living crisis the work of Ceredigion Citizens Advice has never been more desperately needed, demand from the public is significantly high and we operate in a challenging financial environment,” said chair Sue Chambers.

“Operating as a charity in the current economic climate is challenging but it is rewarding to be part of an organisation in which staff and volunteers can make such a difference to people’s lives, helping and advocating for members of our community including those who need help the most."

The trust is particularly looking for potential trustees with a connection to Ceredigion, understanding of the third sector and social policy plus lived experience of the type of issues affecting clients.

Trustees are also interested in recruiting people with financial experience and qualifications.

Anyone interested in applying can download an information pack at https://www.cabceredigion.org/news/v/104-join-us-ymunwch-ni/