A Pembrokeshire school has received a VIP visit following its glowing Estyn report.

Local politicians Eluned Morgan MS and Cllr Nicola Gwynn visited Ysgol Wdig, Goodwick School, following a recent Estyn report that gave the school top marks.

Goodwick Community School champions the Welsh language in an area where the majority of families are English speaking.

The school, which has more than 110 pupils is led by local headteacher Jonathan Jones. Mr Jones and his staff received praise from Estyn inspectors in their report as being “passionate about the school and the community and placing the wellbeing of pupils and their families at the heart of his vision.”


The report also highlighted staff success in promoting an ethos of care and support for pupils, encouraging them to take responsibility for their wellbeing and behaviour; stimulating and adventurous learning areas, both outdoors and indoors and that pupils stated openly that they felt safe at the school and in each other’s company. They took pride in the fact that staff encourage them to embrace their happiness to enrich their lives.

“It really was a pleasure to visit Goodwick school,” said Eluned Morgan after the visit.

“Mr Jones’ passion for education is clear to see and that is reflected across the school. The fact that 99 per cent of pupils come from English speaking homes but are being educated through Welsh is fantastic and supports the Welsh Government’s ambition to become a bilingual nation with a target of 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050.”

Goodwick County Councillor, Nicola Gwynn, added: “I am really heartened to hear that the numbers of children attending Goodwick School is set to increase. “The building may not be the most modern in Pembrokeshire, but the educational standards, outcomes and the overall learning experience is great. The Estyn inspection has demonstrated that, and we are lucky to have such passionate and dedicated teaching staff in my local school.”

Headteacher, Jonathan Jones said he was ‘delighted’ with the visit.

“As a school we work hard to support all of our children,” he said. “To help them achieve their best by equipping them with the skills they need to learn and supporting their health and wellbeing by promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles.”

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