A final call for cost-of-living crisis support payments has been made in Ceredigion.

During the past year, more than 21,000 eligible households in Ceredigion have received a one-off £150 support payment to help with the cost-of-living crisis.

Since June 2022, a total of just under £3.2 million has been paid out by Ceredigion County Council from a Welsh Government initiated scheme to help people facing hardship due to the increasing energy bills.

By now, the council has completed the Main Cost of Living Scheme and Phase 1 of the Ceredigion Discretionary Scheme by paying eligible households £150 directly into their bank accounts.

If residents did not have their direct debits set up on their council tax accounts, the council arranged for the Post Office to issue a voucher letter for collection of the payment at any of their branches.

Phase 2 of the scheme is now being finalised, and if your household has not previously received a £150 cost-of-living payment and you meet the qualifying criteria outlined below, you can apply online from 30 January.

Qualifying criteria for Phase 2 of the Discretionary Cost of Living scheme is only for households where:

• the person liable for council tax was living in a Ceredigion property as their main home on 15 February 2022 or moved to receive or provide care elsewhere

• has NOT received a £150 cost-of-living payment from Ceredigion County Council under the main scheme or phase 1 of the discretionary scheme

• is experiencing financial hardship and in need of assistance with their living costs

Click here for more information and to apply. You may call the council's contact centre on 01545 570881 or drop by county libraries for help and advice on how to apply.

Councillor Gareth Davies, cabinet member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement Services, said: “It’s great to see that so many Ceredigion households have already received the cost-of-living payment, and we are incredibly grateful to the team in Ceredigion Council for their hard work.

"I would encourage everyone to check if they have received this payment, and if you are eligible to fill in the online application or seek help and advice on the website, through Clic or at our county libraries. In times like these, every penny counts and I urge you to ensure you get the support that’s available to you.”

Payments under the Phase 2 Discretionary Scheme are available until 31 March. The scheme could close earlier if the Welsh Government funding allocation has been fully spent.



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