Four candidates will be canvassing for votes in next month’s Lampeter byelection.

The closing date for nominations to take on the ward that suddenly lost its longstanding Ceredigion County Council representative Hag Harries just after May’s local elections was Monday (September 12) and the candidates have been announced.

Three of the main political parties have candidates standing and there is one person standing as an independent.

The independent candidate is Lee Cowles from Carway, Kidwelly, Welsh Liberal Democrat Sandra Louise Jervis, of Llanwnnen is also standing along with Ann Bowen Morgan, from Llanbedr Pont Steffan (Lampeter), for Plaid Cymru and for Welsh Labour Dinah Mulholland, from Lampeter.

Lampeter residents go to the polls on Thursday, October 6 with the one polling station located in Victoria Hall and open 7am to 10pm.

There are just four days let to ensure you are registered to vote, with the deadline 11.59pm on Tuesday, September 20, and that includes 16 and 17 year-olds.

If you are a Lampeter resident and you want to double check you are registered you can contact the council on You can register online or by calling 01545 570881.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday, September 21 and forms can be download from the website or call the number above.

Those requiring a proxy vote – appointing a trusted person to vote on your behalf – must apply by Wednesday, September 28 via the Electoral Commission website.