CARDIGAN Commons Community Interest Company has launched a selection of free activities based at 2 Pwllhai - home of Cardigan Internet Radio who also offer free membership.

These include a Games club on Sunday (10am-9pm), a Chess club on Thursdays (6:30pm-9:30pm) and a Digital Drop-on Wednesdays (12-6pm).

Bobby Kelly, manager and co-director of the newly-formed community interest company, said: "It's important that we make things happen rather than waiting for perfect conditions that might never come.

“So we're relying on game donations for the Games club - we've already had a Nintendo wii donated among other games.

“I hope we're able to access funding for the free activities running at 2 Pwllhai, so we're able to sustain, improve and add more activities.

“We're definitely taking a risk - I'm definitely taking a risk! - nonetheless it's an enriching experience the joy of seeing the activities that run is priceless."

More information can be found at: Cardigan Radio can be found here: GoFundme campaign page: