They met to discuss the children and young people of Ceredigion, but councillors have also expressed grave concerns about the welfare of Ukraine’s younger generation.

On Wednesday (March 2) chairman of the learning communities overview and scrutiny committee Cllr Wyn Thomas opened the meeting by saying while members discussed education in Ceredigion the children in Ukraine were not going to school.

“They are facing terrible scenes,” he said as he expressed grave concerns about fighting on the streets of Ukraine cities and what families there were facing.

“Ukrainian children and families have had their lives turned upside down and there are children being killed by the rockets and bombs of Russia.

"For the people of Ukraine, according to the calendar it’s not March 2, it’s day seven for them.

“They are continuing the days and we don’t know how and this is going to end,” said Cllr Thomas.

He added that children in Ceredigion did not understand what was happening and there were many questions being asked across the county.

His sentiments were supported by a number of the committee, who added their support to his words.