An astounding starling murmuration was filmed flying over near the western Cleddau, not far from Haverfordwest.

The remarkable sight sees tens of thousands of birds swooping and diving in unison, forming a rolling cascade of movement in the evening sky.

The starlings, whose many little wings were beating shortly before dusk, producing a sound like the roar of the sea, were filmed at the Slebech estate on Saturday evening, October 30.

According to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) the vast flying formations offer the birds safety in numbers, protecting them from predators such as peregrine falcons.

Starlings fly to Britain in winter to escape the relative cold of the European mainland and gather in flocks of up to the hundreds of thousands in the sky.

They are most commonly spotted just before dusk in November.

The flocking, known as a murmuration, also allows the birds to exchange information such as good areas to feed and to stay warm in the night air before they settle down in their roosting site below.

Also known as the common starling or European starling, the birds tend to roost in sheltered areas such as woodlands but they are also known to use reedbeds, cliffs and even man-made buildings and industrial structures.

The RSPB warns that despite the vast appearance of flocks, starling numbers have actually dwindled by 80% in recent years and are now on the critical list of UK birds most at risk.