HOLIDAY activities for Ceredigion’s young people have continued to be held digitally.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, digital spaces have been utilised by young people to communicate, socialise, receive education and entertainment.

As a result, many youth work organisations have taken their first steps into the digital world to continue engaging with and supporting young people.

AS part of the digital youth work provision, Ceredigion Youth Service has been focusing more on delivering various virtual activities over the past year.

These include youth clubs, post-16 activities and support, Youth Council, Panel Dewis, half-term activities and providing online support.

During February half-term the Youth Service delivered six virtual activities and workshops focusing on well-being and personal development.

Sixteen young people joined in various activities including cooking, fitness sessions, games, and a ‘be brave’ session where they took part in a question and answer workshop with Italian rugby International Stephen Varney.

One member said: “The Youth Service’s virtual activities have given me an opportunity to learn new skills, socialise with other young people and offered me support during this difficult year.

“I like the way the youth workers can still stay in touch with us and make the virtual session fun”.

Elen James, Corporate Lead Officer – Porth Cymorth Cynnar said: “The range of digital provisions that have been developed since the beginning of the pandemic, by the Youth Service has been excellent.”

“Knowing that opportunities and support like this is available for children and young people who may be feeling lonely and self-isolated during these challenging and difficult times is very important. “

For more information about the work of Ceredigion Youth Service, visit their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page @GICeredigionYS or visit their website at