WATER is basic to the existence of all life on earth. When I conducted services of Baptism in Wales, I always used to point out that the child was being baptised in the best water in the world - Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water.

I believe that Dwr Cymru is a mutual company where all the profits go back into water management.

One of our local residents, Dr David Lloyd Owen, has written a wonderful book on the urgency of taking water and wastewater seriously. He is a world expert on this topic.

The book is called “The Sound of Thirst”, and is published by Parthian Press.

Water Aid does incredible work throughout the world. When coronavirus hit, its teams were already on the ground, providing clean water and promoting safe hygiene in countries throughout the world. You can follow the work at wateraid.org/covid19.

The element of water has most profound healing qualities. It is no wonder that it is used for initiation into the Christian Faith.

In John’s Gospel chapter 5 verses 2 to 9, we read of a man who had been an invalid for 38 years and had no-one to help him get into the healing waters of the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. Jesus was able to heal him.

The Holy Wells of Wales and the world were (and still are) regarded as places of healing.

God’s gifts to us are often shown by means of water. We see God at rest in Psalm 23.

“He leads me beside still water.”

We see a God of new life in Psalm 1.

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season.”

We see a God of power in Exodus 14.

“Moses held out his hand and God sent a strong wind that drove the sea back.”

We see a God of the past in 2 Peter 3.

“Long ago, by God’s word, the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.”

This of course reflects the understanding of creation held at that time.

We see a God of now in Numbers 20.

“The Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out and the community and their livestock drank.”

I believe that there is a certain rock in the desert that can retain water.

We see a God of the future in Revelation 22.

“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life as clean as crystal, flowing from the throne of God.”

There is a lovely hymn written by Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) based on Psalm 23.

Where streams of living waters flow

my ransomed soul he leadeth

and where the verdant pastures grow

with food celestial feedeth.


And so through all the length of days

thy goodness faileth never;

good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise

within thy house for ever.

A Prayer by Ruth Williams (World Day of Prayer 2020).

God of rain and water,

of stream and storm,

of sea and silent pools,

of waterfall and waterhole,

of wells and waves,

of aquifer and aqueducts.

Hear us as we pray

for water fresh and pure for all.

And guide us to use your water

wisely and well,

ensuring that all your creation

can share in your bounty. Amen.

A Prayer of Blessing of the water at Baptism.

Diolchwn i ti, O Arglwydd, Sanctaidd Dad, Hollalluog, Tragwyddol Dduw, am i ti ordeinio DWR Y Bedydd i aileni plant dynion trwy dy Annwyl fab, a eneiniwyd â’r Ysbryd

Glân pan fedyddiwyd ef yn afon Iorddonen, ac wedi ei Angau gwaredigol a’I Atgyfodiad nerthol, a orchmynnodd i’w Apostolion fynd allan a gwneud disgyblion o’r holl genhedloedd, gan eu bedyddio yn Enw’r Tad a’r Mab a’r Ysbryd Glan. Amen

Diolchwn i ti, O Arglwydd, Sanctaidd Dad, Hollalluog, Tragwyddol Dduw, am i ti ordeinio

Dwr y Bedydd i aileni plant dynion trwy dy Annwyl Fab, a eneiniwyd â’r Ysbryd Glân pan

fedyddiwyd ef yn afon Iorddonen, ac wedi ei Angau gwaredigol a’i Atgyfodiad nerthol, a

orchmynnodd i’w Apostolion fynd allan a gwneud disgyblion o’r holl genhedloedd, gan ei

bedyddio yn Enw’r Tad a’r Mab a’r Ysbryd Glân. Amen

Rev John Powell

Retired vicar of Cardigan