AROUND £66,000 is set to be raised by increasing fees and charges in the highways and environmental service – including car parking charges – at Ceredigion County Council.

As scrutiny committees examine budget proposals for specific areas, the target cost reduction in the highways and environmental department of £166,000 for 2021-22 will be partially met by residents.

The service has a £17.062million budget with cost pressures of £684,000 that require funding, a report to thriving communities overview and scrutiny committee on Friday, February 19 states.

These include pay awards, asset management software and an increase in material recycling process costs.

Costs related to building regulations will be increased, linked to inflation, as well as allotment charges, while others such as venue hire will remain the same.

Car parking charges rises will range by 10p to 50p depending on the type of car park, ticket and vehicle with larger increases on season tickets.

Burial costs will also be increased by as much as £30 along with proposed increases to harbour, garage and shed charges, mooring fees, highways register and street works.

Other savings are proposed to be made by cutting the Bwcabus contribution by £32,000 and £68,000 from expanding the vacancy factor.

The thriving communities committee must also consider a £34,000 savings target in the economy and regeneration service, one per cent of its controllable budget.

It is proposed that this could be met by “vacancy drag and some restructuring.”