AS we peer out from this end of Lock Down, the exact opposite is Open Up and I gather there has been much ‘opening up’ in families who have been forced to batten down the hatches together.

For all the sharing, caring and doing together, whether it has been pleasant or over-stimulating, it has certainly been a journey for all of us, albeit within the same walls.

Lockdown has also meant slow down, take time, appreciate who and what you have, enjoy the simple things then pepper it with panic about other concerns.

Then soothe it by watching our feathered friends on the bird feeders, the squirrels outwit their designs and embrace another dog walk for pleasure rather than duty.

The hustle and bustle in the fast lane, has eased. Attending to emails at 1am, preparing for and/or fretting about an upcoming meeting have not been sapping our energy like before… and dressing smart for the screen from the shoulders up has become the norm.

Admittedly, home schooling and adjusting the way we work to keep ticking over brings their own pressures, but somehow it all seems manageable because we are all in it together.

With fewer self-imposed pressures and influences, it turns out we can all bump along pretty well just as long we have warehouse workers, delivery drivers, supermarket staff, farmers, rubbish collectors and health workers

The whole notion of important jobs and key workers has shifted somewhat and hopefully respect for these people and the roles they perform will continue long after society is back into full swing again. Our home for one, is always delighted to see a delivery driver!

We are re-setting; our households, community, country, continent all while the world re-sets. And much like re-setting a technological device, this can mean wiping out glitches, creating space and enhancing efficiency.

Although through my live streams I’ve heard reports of lockdown paunch, people surveyed have confirmed they are taking more trouble to buy healthy, fresh ingredients and trying new preparations and recipes, not only that but they’re being less wasteful with food and putting it to better use.

Fewer takeaways has led to a surge in home cooking. They used to be 30 per cent of our nation’s meal consumption.

More fruit, vegetables and unpackaged food is being bought, whilst people are not bothering so much with branded products and happy with (usually cheaper) alternatives.

And in terms of activity it is said that 43 per cent of people are using their ‘exercise hour’ each day and 33 per cent admit to being more active than before. And something I’m particularly delighted to hear is that 42 per cent have taken to online workouts! That’s massive – join ME! I do shout-outs, birthdays, giveaways and bad jokes…

The benefits to mental and physical health are very real right now as are the awareness people have and value they place on them.

We are proving that these positive steps are eminently doable.

A bit at a time - it’s not about becoming a ‘health food freak’ or ‘gym bunny’, it’s about small positive changes and making them part of your day-to-day life. And in only a matter of a few weeks, then some months, they will reap genuine health benefits. That’s a promise.

Let’s make these ‘limbo days’ work for our personal future.