CYLCH Meithrin Hermon has been rated as ‘good’ overall following an Estyn inspection – with a couple of areas rated ’excellent’.

The Cylcyh, which meets at Canolfan Hermon, near Crymych, has three staff and can admit up to 17 children per session and currently has 19 youngsters on its roll.

In rating both current performance and prospects for improvement as ‘good’, the Estyn report says: “Most children respond well to the consistent Welsh language provision and develop a strong understanding of the language quickly. Children are very happy, settle quickly and go straight to the continuous activities enthusiastically without being asked.

“Most children’s number skills are developing well and they listen to a story and join in with the actions meaningfully. Many show an interest in books and their content, and spend time every day ‘reading’.

“Many children are very willing to take responsibility, behave well, share their feelings and respect each other.

“Practitioners model the Welsh language very robustly and consistently and promote children’s wellbeing particularly successfully through the skilful use of puppets to encourage children to discuss their feelings during ‘circle time’.

“Colourful and attractive displays are used very effectively to reinforce learning and celebrate children’s work. Practitioners know all children well and use assessment information successfully to plan the next steps in learning “

Care, support and guidance, along with working with a range of other partners, are both factors which are highlighted as ‘excellent’.

The report adds: “The setting makes very beneficial use of the community to enrich children’s experiences, and the community supports the setting’s activities well. For example, children go to the cafe that is part of the centre every week to order toast, which develops their oral skills, numeracy and social skills in a real-life context.

“Estyn will invite the setting to prepare a written case study describing the excellent practice that was seen during the inspection."

Future recommendations include:

  • Develop children’s skills in the outdoor area
  • Develop children’s information and communication technology skills
  • Strengthen self-evaluation and planning and that targets in the improvement plan are measurable