Developers of the troubled Bathhouse development in Cardigan where it is proposed to build a Sainsbury’s store say surveys of the land are complete and engineers will shortly come up with a report on exactly what is needed to be done to overcome land slippage problems.

Although the developers say their investigation is complete local residents claim that no work has been carried out on the land which many consider to be unsuitable for the construction of a supermarket.

Towards the end of last year Liberty Mercian said that additional surveys were needed and that building work was being delayed until September this year.

Asked if everything was now on course a company spokesperson said “We can’t give a firm date at this stage, but all surveys have been carried out and these will have to be collated before engineers say what needs to be done to overcome problems and build the store.

“We hope to be in a position to release further information in the near future,” said the spokesperson.

A spokesman for Sainsbury’s said “Liberty Mercian is still working on a solution to the issues with the site and will need to show that the land has been fully stabilised before construction can start.

“Sainsbury’s realise there has been a long wait already for the people of Cardigan and we continue to be grateful for all the support we have received to date. However, obviously we need to make sure that the site is completely stable before any work begins.”